MAD101: Introduction to Pissing Me Off

Dear Connie,

I am struggling with Nantucket Red.  The first sign that all was not smooth sailing was when I blocked the three main pieces and found that the left front was a couple inches too short.:

2014-10-04 17.11.27

I fixed the left front, finished a sleeve, and started the making up process.  And would you look at that shoulder?

2014-10-05 20.00.36  WTF?  The decreases for the sleeve cap were written oddly, in my opinion, and as a result the shoulder looks totally wonky.  What’s worse is that now that it’s all pieced together, ripping it back and fixing the sleeve would be a real bear.

I decided to put a pin in the sleeve issue and work the collar.  Needless to say, that went pretty poorly.  Picking up stitches for the collar is a process always ripe for disaster, but this linen/cotton is so unforgiving.  Big ugly holes.  Rip, rip, rip.  I plan to try again with more stitches picked up with a much smaller needle, and decrease to where I want the total count to be.

And now I am left with a few possible ways forward, sleeve-wise.

  1. I could tear out the entire side seam and arm, rip back the arm, and correct the decreases.
  2. I could make a small seam across the top of the sleeve and take in the extra bulk.  If so – do I make the other sleeve as written (poorly) and correct it in the identical fashion?  GAH!  The only thing worse than one crappy sleeve is two crappy sleeves.
  3. I could finish the pattern as written, get it most of the way blocked and only just damp, then wear it until the sleeves/shoulders conform to the shape of my body.

Help me, Obi-Wan Conn-obi.  You’re my only hope.

Love, Lindsay